Zen (Slacker) Prospecting

April 3, 2010

           Was recently talking with an old friend — an independent painter/handyman—about how to generate new biz.             “When I know I need to generate more business, I come up with a few ideas about who might want to hire me,” he said. “So I send out some feelers, make some contacts, and sure enough, […]

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Unplugging the Inner Answering Machine

March 27, 2010

I realized this morning that I had accidentally installed an “inner answering machine” that responds with a pre-recorded message to just about everything that happens in my life, but especially at work.  It’s somewhat annoying.             I’ve been reading about the nature of awareness, and attention, and how the universe may in fact be “self […]

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The Eightfold Path at Work

February 15, 2010

         We all want to be able to handle our daily work with a certain ease, a quiet confidence, efficiency and grace, even if our daily work is just chopping wood or carrying water, painting houses, flipping burgers or trading pork bellies. It makes no difference. We all want our daily work to be fun, […]

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